Early Childhood Development and Education Minor

What You'll Study
For students earning teaching licensure in Virginia Tech’s Elementary Education major, the Early Childhood Development and Education minor can also be used to help students earn the Virginia State add-on endorsement for early childhood for three-year-olds and four-year-olds
The Early Childhood Development and Education minor helps students of any major learn the basics of developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood education. Students take in-depth courses in early childhood development and early childhood curriculum. Students choose elective courses offered by multiple departments that provide them with in-depth knowledge about individual and social issues that impact children’s learning and prepare them to serve and advocate for young children in a variety of ways. Students also engage in experiential learning giving them real-life experience helping young children learn.
18 hrs
Total Credit Hours
Contact Us
If you have questions about pursuing a Early Childhood Development and Education, please contact:
Sarah Jarrett